Join Tanubodhi, renound Yoga teacher, Buddhism practitioner, Handstand, and a Body movement coach, Kalaripayattu practitioner, and a Ayurvedic massage therapist for a very special workshop focusing on the Breath….
About the Event
Pranayama is the practice of breath control in yoga. The word "Pranayama" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Prana," which means life force or vital energy, and "Ayama," which means extension or expansion. Therefore, Pranayama can be understood as the extension or expansion of life force through breath control.
In the practice of Pranayama, individuals engage in various breathing techniques to manipulate the breath in specific ways. These techniques are designed to regulate and control the breath, including improved respiratory function, increased lung capacity, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced focus and concentration, boost your energy level, balance nervous system and a greater sense of overall well-being balance the energy flow in the body, and calm the mind.
Pranayama is considered one of the foundational practices and Fourth limb of the eightfold path of yoga philosophy and is often integrated into yoga asana (poses) practice and meditation.
I'm tanubodhi a traveler, Yoga teacher, Buddhism practitioner, Handstand, and a Body movement coach, Kalaripayattu practitioner, and a Ayurvedic massage therapist.
I've been organising various programmes, therapeutic yoga, working with Yoga Teachers, offering retreats, and educational workshops around the world which is all about human development and growth!
My intentions are very clear; introduce community and friends to connect through this ancient teaching, emotionally intelligence and balanced life and how we can express and grow ourselves fully as Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually well-being!
It has been 10 years practicing pranayama, I still remember the day I fall in love with the bliss and stillness inside through these practices! The day I promised to myself this will be part of my everyday ritual; especially first thing in the morning before I start my day!
Be honest, pranayama practice has saved my life many times during my challenges times; one example , When I was trekking to complete Mt Everest Basecamp Camp in 2019 ; during the journey I decided to walk through hard trek (khambo glacier) one of the dangerous glacier in the world and I got lost for 24 hours and I ended up sleeping in snow without food, water, and camping gear in -2° tem and I still remembered how I managed to protect myself; practicing kriyas and Pranayama overnight to heat and not to shut my nervous system but relax myself so I could survived and that was the turning point in my life towards my spiritual journey!
And I never looked back since ; I started challenging my limits;
Full Marathon in 2 weeks training, 2 hours plank in 4 weeks, and 5 minutes handstand hold! And I could do all the challenges because of the understanding diaphragm breathing, study through scientific and spiritual approach!
We all born with breath and die with it and it's completely free; nobody can't take it away from us! But what matters is how we utilize or understand this prana(life Force ) in between, and allow and expand it to help towards our growth and wellness!
I really feel grateful and appreciate that I had a chance to share these ancient practices with the community and educate people towards importance of pranayama!
In a Pranayama workshop, participants are usually guided through different kriyas, Full yogic breath, breathing techniques such as Mukha dhouti (Forcefully exhalation), Ujjayi breath, Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), Kapalabhati (skull shining breath), Bhramari (humming bee breath), and more.
The workshop may also include scientific research, Yoga philosophy, Theory and discussions on the benefits of Pranayama, its effects on the body, emotions , and mind, and how to incorporate these practices into a daily routine.
Pranayama workshop can help individuals deepen their understanding of the breath, improve their breathing habits, reduce stress, better sleep, boost energy level, and anxiety, increase focus, concentration, and enhance overall well-being.
This workshop will go for 3.5 hours in total with 4 parts!
1st part; 30 minutes: Open the space with Introduction and intension!
2nd part; 45 minutes: Yoga philosophy, h scientific research, theoretical part including (Nervous system in details, Inhibiting your diaphragm, Stressful over - breathing (hyperventilation). And much more topics!
3rd part; 90 minutes: Deepen our journey through various pranayama practice of (Breathwork) including Meditation and yoga Nidra at the end with oral instructions!
4th part; 30 minutes: Sharing, feedback and hot tea with yummy snacks!
Come along and bring your family members and friends to educate themselves towards pranayama practice!
What to bring: Yoga mat, water bottle, 3 hours gap (breakfast), light clothes, pen and paper!
When: 2nd June Sunday, 10:30am - 2pm 3.5 hour.
Where: 182 browns Rd Boneo, Rosebud
Investment: $99
Contact: 0416423973
Inst: Tanubodhi
Rise and shine together